Family photography at new locations gets my heart racing.
As a family photographer in Jacksonville and St Augustine, Florida I am lucky enough to do family photos in many beautiful places.
That being said, going to the same place again and again can get old. So when families say "Yes" to new locations I have found I am definitely one happy photographer.
This beautiful state park feels like a hidden gem located in a small town west of St Augustine and across the street from a high school, you would never know that Ravine Gardens state park is as amazing as it is.
My own family did our fall family photos there this past October so I was so happy when one of my amazing watch me grow families trusted me that it was a good location.
With an active toddler, this park gave us LOTS of options for places to explore and capture beautiful photos.
So, take a moment and check out a few of my favorites from this recent family photoshoot at Ravine Gardens State Park in Palatka, Florida.
