When you're due date is close you begin to think about how you are going to take this little life in the car, keep up with feeing them, bathing, cleaning yourself, cleaning the house, sleep.....all of it.
It can feel overwhelming, but what if I told you it didn't have to be.
Ok, yes you have to feed the baby (& yourself), yes you have to bathe because it will make you feel SO much better, but the rest???
The rest you can leave to your newborn photographer. We can come to you.
Bring everything TO YOUR HOUSE. Do you have to clean? Nope, we are experts at moving things out of the shot and faux cleaning.
Do you have to worry about forgetting diapers, pacifiers, changes of clothes, anything?
Nope. It's all right there with you.
PLUS, furry babies can easily be included AND your toddler can be safe to come and go as they please.
How does these kinds of newborn photoshoots turn out?
Well, keep on scrolling. OR if I already convinced you CLICK HERE to get my Newborn Portrait Guide with all the information.